How it works - Supplier

If you are a farmer, supplier or trader of agri-food products, Wikifarmer can help you connect with multiple buyers globally, including food production units, wholesalers, restaurants and other businesses. Create a profile on and start selling your products.

You can publish your products, which will be visible to hundreds of thousands of visitors.

When you receive an order from Wikifarmer, it is up to you to accept or reject it, based on your availability and other factors.

If you accept the order, you can give us a custom Price, based on the ordered quantity. You can also specify the Shipping Cost, any extra charges, and the estimated Delivery Time.

By selling through our Platform, we ensure that you avoid fraud by malicious Buyers, who may ask for the products before payment and never pay or try to scam Suppliers in various ways. If you have accurately described your products and you have shipped them or timely delivered them in the agreed quantity and quality, we guarantee that you will receive the money for your order, or at least receive the product back in excellent condition.